Our mission

The Sphere – education for a future world

It helps orientate the place of humans on Earth. Our explorations aid the search for a self-learning algorithm that responds to the problems of today (e.g. AI, social problems, sustainability). The advancement of soft skills is explored in the context of employment in the years ahead.

The Sphere constitutes a space for creativity, making and discovery

It encourages creativity, originality and skills as a maker. Competencies are acquired in the use of innovative tools and technologies. The latest research is shared in the areas of mathematics, physics, chemistry, science, crafts and technological advancement.

The Sphere connects people from diverse fields of expertise and organisations

It contributes to forging formidable teams. Effective collaboration is encouraged. People are acquainted with various topics and related materials. Art is employed to teach technical subjects.

The Sphere aids the development of communities and individuals

It promotes the advancement of society and sustainably, and is open in approach. Collaboration is nurtured locally, nationally and internationally. It constitutes an integral part of a futuristic urban environment. It acts as a tool for guiding and furthering every target group, regardless of age.

The Sphere encourages a sense of communal responsibility

It is ethical, acts sustainably and communicates openly.

Our mission