
Those who light up the path to knowledge

Partner organisations are like stars that come together to form new constellations. We greatly appreciate everyone who shines a light on the journey of discovery and opens doors to scientific adventure. 

Our mission

“The Sphere is an open space for creativity and learning. It educates for the future, encourages creativity, making and discovery. It connects people and organisations from diverse backgrounds. It nurtures the development of communities and individuals. It encourages responsibility for the world around us.”

The Sphere thanks all of its stars

Just as the collaboration between Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose has influenced understanding of the universe and black holes, we also realise we wouldn’t have reached our goals without help. That’s why we now form an integral part of a comprehensive system born from a combination of knowledge, creativity and collaboration. We sincerely thank everyone who supports and helps us in our efforts.

Join those who enlighten our journey

Help pave the pathway to discovery. We’re open to multiple forms of partnership, including supporting or funding specific events, lending or donating technological and teaching equipment, and assisting as tutors.